Recent stories on big box trends bouncing around the web focus on how huge retail spaces are evolving. The MarketScale blog feels that the key reason for the expansion of large retail spaces is consumers' desire for more immersive experiences, and the use of VR and AR technologies will be essential for enabling many of these immersive experiences.
Read more on that here

The scale of most big box stores pales compared to the vast storage facilities that house their products before reaching their shelves. DCVelocity highlights a significant shift in the industry, stating that in 2023, general retailers and wholesalers took the lead in leasing big-box warehouse space in North America, accounting for 36% of all transactions. This marked a shift from the previous year's top occupier category, third-party logistics (3PL) providers. However, the overall market size experienced a contraction in the post-building boom period. Click here for more details.
For a quick primer on Third Party Logistics (3PL) processes and resources, click here:
And here is a recent Forbes article reporting that a completely different trend might be in the works: big box retailers such as Target and Walmart are snatching up space in smaller strip mall locations for smaller stores closer to their customers.