Signs in supermarkets and other retail spaces communicate with customers: "Ladies garments over here," or "Here is where the Deli is."

But literal messages are not all that signs communicate. Fonts and colors indicate how retailers want to be perceived and want their customers to experience a department or entire establishment.

The size of signs and lettering, where and how they're placed, how well fonts and colors work with each other and with other signs, and how they all are lit-- these elements send messages as well. Is the store upscale? Do the prices match the feel? Was there thought and effort put into the customers' experience? Is the store's identity being reinforced? Will customers feel at home no matter which location of a chain they are visiting?

And finally, in a sea of signs, how does a retailer avoid decor becoming as innocuous as wallpaper? How can each sign stand out in the competition for a customer's attention? How to make them helpful and efficient?

One way is to make decor jump off the walls-- literally, by using suspended structures and soffits. The object is to keep customers from becoming so accustomed to signs that they no longer notice them.

If it's dramatic enough, the decor does not even require lettering. It's like, "if you build it they will come," just to see what's going on.

Another way to accomplish this is with three-dimensional letters placed in front of a contrasting background. Here's an article on this type of lettering.

Letters can be directly attached to walls,

or placed on shelves or soffits in front of brilliant imagery.

Off The Wall has an engineering department that works closely with its design and fabrication teams, then thoroughly inspects the store's joists and beams that will support soffits and center-store structures. They work closely with their installers throughout the process.

There are no limits to what Off The Wall can do with signage and decor. Contact us to see what we can do with you.