Off The Wall Co. is in the midst of its latest rollout for the Luxottica Group. It consists of over 700 wayfinders that go over display cases and slat wall units, and nearly a thousand printed magnetic graphics to go with them. These orders are being shipped to 93 Oakley retail outlets across the United States and designed to permit in-store personnel to assemble and install them.

Projects of this scope require expert coordination with various manufacturing teams in two countries, three shipping departments, and warehouses located in multiple locations. Such coordination is possible because of Off The Wall's expertise in project management.

Off The Wall has a long history of effective relationships with scores of clients. This Oakley project is moving forward simultaneously with many other rollouts, such as multi-year projects with Target Stores and Aldi, the international grocer known for its low prices.

To date, Off The Wall has delivered over 2,700 units to 73 of Target's in-store Optical Departments consisting of over 60 different types of cabinets, desks, counters, and shelving units.

Thin Plexi panels welcome customers at the entrance of an Aldi store. The graphics on these screens are easily changed.

Lightboxes installed above freezers and store shelving throughout Aldi stores provide high-impact messaging with brightly saturated graphics. These boxes are printed on a stretched polyester and vinyl fabric that emits soft and diffused light.

Off The Wall works with a variety of clients where globalization, new materials, and technological advances to various projects are organized around teams with specific skills. The need for expert project managers has never been greater.
To get an even better idea of what Off The Wall has to offer as a designer, fabricator, and installer of retail space decor and millwork, contact us at 215-453-9400 or click on the Questions? box in the lower right-hand corner!