It's not often that a decor, fabrication, and installation company is given an 80,000-square-foot canvas to shine on, but that's precisely what the new ShopRite in Woolwich, New Jersey is.

On our visit there, the customers we asked offered comments such as "so much more than we expected," "I love coming here just for lunch," "so bright and beautiful," and "such a gorgeous place to do my shopping." The clientele are certainly responding and voting with their continued loyalty.

Experiencing all new construction from the ground up, the community was clearly eager for this grand opening. By 11am on opening day there was not a parking space available in the huge lot, and business has kept up this pace for over a month now.

With its 25' ceiling, the entrance to the store is one of the grandest we've ever done. Valuable floor space is left open to create a most inviting environment.

The high ceilings are perfect for OTW's specialty: large and impressive suspended overhead structures.

And wayfinders at this store are effective, eye-catching, and fun to look at.

Value engineering assures impressive yet light and affordable pieces.

"Chalkboard murals" punctuate the staples departments along much of the store's perimeter.

As customers commented to us, visiting this supermarket is something they look forward to on their shopping days.

Contact Off The Wall for a collaborative design
and fabrication experience that will impress your customers.